Page 26
April 27
- Muslim Canadians increasingly proud of and attached to Canada, survey suggests Éric Grenier, CBC News
- Tennessee governor signs bill allowing mental health counselors to reject patients based on therapist’s religion AP
- New Turkish const. will ensure freedom of religion, faith TRT World
- Saudi reform plans flirt with social change, risk Wahhabi backlash Reuters
- Anger over Belgian politician's 'misleading' claim Muslims will soon outnumber practising Christians in Europe Will Worley, Independent
- Pakistan court orders ruling on Muslim NGO's illegal sharia courts Mehreen Zahra-Malik and Mubasher Bukhari, Reuters
- Christian group sues NC State University over speech policy Richard Stradling, News Observer
- Jordan bans Lebanese band, says songs contradict religion Sam Mcneil and Mohammed Daraghmeh, AP
April 26
- Turkish parliament speaker provokes row with call for religious constitution Ayla Jean Yackley, Reuters
- Archbishop of Havana, key figure in US detente, steps down Michael Weissenstein, AP
- TAJIKISTAN: "Inciting religious hatred" charges for at least 6 imams and man who filmed police harassment Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service
- Hong Kong Christians oppose Beijing’s policy World Watch Monitor
- Kerry explains why religion can play a role in U.S. foreign policy Carol Morello, The Washington Post
- Feds try to block FLDS from claiming religious right to hand over food stamps Ben Winslow, Fox
- What will happen after the Dalai Lama dies? Madeleine Brand, PRI
April 25
- Britain Grapples With Enduring Questions of Religion and Race Steven Erlanger and Stephen Castle, The New York Times
- Court smacks down Kansas Christians for labeling evolution a religion to force school ban David Edwards, Raw Story
- The Newest Opponents Of North Carolina’s Anti-Transgender Law: Faith Groups Jack Jenkins, Think Progress
April 24
- China's Xi warns of foreign infiltration through religion Matthew Miller, Reuters
- For Hillary Clinton, church offers a trusted comfort zone Catherine Lucey, AP
- Muslims for Trump, though few, see past rhetoric, bluster Jeff Karoub, AP
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