Page 57
November 10
- Textbook aims to teach Bible with no religion by Ann rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- District restores religious holidays after outcry
November 9
- Evolution Slate Outpolls Rivals by Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times
- Kansas Board Approves Challenges to Evolution by Jodi Wilgoren, The New York times
November 7
November 5
- Closing Arguments Made in Trial on Intelligent Design by Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times
November 2
November 1
- 'Intelligent design' battle goes to polls by Martha Raffaele, AP
October 31
October 18
October 6
- Seeing Creation and Evolution in Grand Canyon by Jodi Wilgoren, The New York Times
October 5
- Indian row over Muslim university BBC News
October 4
- State senator wants money to be used for religious texts by Steve MacDonald,
October 3
October 2
- For the Anti-Evolutionists, Hope in High Places by George Johnson, The New York Times
September 30
September 29
September 28
- Lawsuit threatened over visit to high school by Buddhist monks AP
- Muslim school to escape axe - but is told to improve by Kevin Schofield, The Scotsman
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