Page 32
February 13
- Faith and evolution: Mormonism teaches why God created the world, not how, scientist says By Peggy Fletcher Stack, The Salt Lake Tribune
- Group delivers Qurans to teach By Gregg Krupa, The Detroit News
February 12
February 11
- Vatican buries the hatchet with Charles Darwin By Richard Owen, The Times
- Ministry publication comes under fire By Janet Steffenhagen, Vancouver Sun
February 2
January 29
- Catholic Church abandons plan to erect statue of Galileo By Richard Owen, Times Online
January 28
- School can expel lesbian students, court rules By Maura Dolan, Los Angeles Times
January 23
- TAJIKISTAN: Islamic school of thought banned By Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18
January 22
January 21
- In Texas, a Line in the Curriculum Revives Evolution Debate By James C. McKinley Jr., New York Times
January 19
- Swat Valley: Taliban blow up five schools, threaten school girls By Qaiser Felix, AsiaNews
January 16
- U. of U. creates Mormon studies fellowship By Peggy Fletcher Stack, The Salt Lake Tribune
- Parents win fight to remove class crucifix Graham Keeley, The Times
January 15
- Florida school district ordered to stop promoting religion, prayer The Daily Telegraph
January 14
January 11
- Pope: Children are not their parents' property EarthTimes
- Berlin Muslims to train imams at new school EarthTimes
- For God’s sake, have Charles Darwin’s theories made any difference to our lives? By Bryan Appleyard, The Sunday Times
January 2
December 21
- Basic freedoms challenged by Quebec religious course The Calgary Herald
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