Page 20
July 4
- Hindu group criticizes Toronto school’s Muslim prayer sessions Adrian Morrow, The Globe and Mail
June 24
- Schools 'have to teach' religion Patsy McGarry,
June 17
- School Censors Religious Words in Graduation Speech Todd Starnes, Fox News
June 13
- Religious schools a sometimes tense American tradition Mary Wisniewski, Reuters
June 2
May 25
- Religion class must be easy to opt out of, says report Katherine Donnelly, Irish Independent
May 18
- Battle over exemption from Quebec religious course reaches Supreme Court Brenda Branswell, The Montreal Gazette
April 13
- Religious clubs face hurdles on campuses Michael De Groote, Deseret News
April 6
March 18
- School crucifix ruling against Italy overturned EarthTimes, DPA
March 16
March 6
February 21
- Famed Islamic school riven by battle for control Ravi Nessman, AP
February 14
February 13
- Shame of Britain's Muslim schools: Secret filming shows pupils being beaten and 'taught Hindus drink cow p***' Tazeen Ahmad, Daily Mail
- Texas school district cancels Arabic classes over fears of Islam Bruce Maiman, Examiner
February 9
- God, science not wholly exclusive, astronomer says Dylan Lovan, AP
February 7
- New baccalaureate's threat to Religious Education GCSEs Tammy McAllister, BBC
February 1
- Court to Rule in Religion, Home-school Battle Jack Kenny, New American
- Michigan School District Allows Sikh Students to Wear Religious Dagger to School FoxNews
January 31
- Schools say Sikh students can wear dagger, but with modifications Eric D. Lawrence, Detroit Free Press
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