Page 18
September 27
- Schools increasingly religious in Turkey Dorian Jones, Deutsche Welle
September 26
- Religious, private school graduates active, engaged citizens: study Sarah Boesveld, The National Post
September 25
- How evangelicals are making children their missionaries in public schools Katherine Stewart, The Guardian
- Mexican New Jerusalem sect children return to school BBC
September 11
- University Criticized for Class That Deems Homosexuality 'Deviant Behavior' Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post
September 10
- Christian father sues Ontario school board for 'religious accommodation' Matthew Coutts, CTV Toronto
September 3
- Muslims are thriving in American Catholic colleges Richard Perez Pena, New York Times
August 28
- Mexico sect vows fight over public schools E. Eduardo Castillo, AP
August 27
- Seminary Debt Rising: Clergy Postpone Starting Families, Face Bankruptcy David Briggs, Huffington Post
August 22
- Mexico religious cult refuses to allow teachers in Mark Stevenson, Associated Press
July 13
- Third of new free schools are religious Jeevan Vasagar, The Guardian
July 3
- Ruling lets S.C. students earn credit for religion classes Ron Barnett, USA Today
June 11
May 22
- Religious Space for Crowded Schools: Godsend or Trouble? Fred Mogul, The New York Times
May 18
May 9
- The difference between lunchtime prayer and a Jesus T-shirt Ed Morgan, The Globe and Mail
- Toronto Islamic school apologizes after being accused of promoting hatred of Jews Haaretz
- Taking a chisel to the Ten Commandments Robert Knight, The Washington Times
May 8
- Georgetown catches flak for Sebelius invite Ben Wolfgang, The Washington Times
May 7
- ACLU Fights To Remove Ten Commandments Display Sam Favate, The Wall Street Journal
April 23
- School vouchers and the religious subversion of church-state separation Katherine Stewart, The Guardian
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