Page 17
January 3
- Study: Catholic, Protestant Support for In-School Prayer Falls Jason Koebler, U.S. News
January 2
- Parents sue school after girl, nine, is banned from wearing hijab Tony Bassett, London Evening Standard
December 14
- Fox News' Mike Huckabee Blames School Shooting on Absence of Religion in Schools (Video) The Hollywood Reporter
December 13
December 12
- Barbara Kay: Quebec’s ‘totalitarian’ take on religious education in high school Barbara Kay, The National Post
November 28
November 27
- Catholic Church snub to Michael Gove's flagship free schools plans John Bingham, The Daily Telegraph
November 26
- Mormon missionary age reduction prompts U. deferment policy Brian Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune
November 5
November 2
October 30
- In heart of France, Islamic school trains imams Pauline Talagrand, AFP
October 29
- Chilliwack Bibles Distributed In Schools Draw Complaint To Province Jesse Ferreras, The Huffington Post
October 22
October 18
October 17
- Texas acts to defend cheerleaders' use of religious messages Corrie MacLaggan, Reuters
- Egypt teacher fired for cutting girls' uncovered hair Yasmine Saleh, Reuters
October 15
- Malala Yousafzai arrives at special gunshot unit in British hospital Jon Boone and Haroon Siddique, The Guardian
- Catholic Schools Shouldn't Teach Pro-Life Curriculum, Says Canadian Minister Myles Collier, Christian Post
October 10
October 4
- Texas Cheerleaders Fight Back Over Bible Verses Ryan Owens, ABC News
- How Jewish College Uses Federal Funds To Grow Paul Berger, The Jewish Daily Forward
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