Page 13
January 14
- Texas Textbooks: A Case Study for Creationism’s Staying Power Molly Worthen, Religion & Politics
January 8
- Religious accommodation or ‘accessory to sexism’? York student’s case stirs debate James Bradshaw, The Globe and Mail
- New documents may shed light on residential school deaths Connie Walker, CBC News
January 6
- Germany Adds Lessons in Islam to Better Blend Its Melting Pot Alison Smale, The New York Times
January 3
- Surge in late baptisms to get into top Catholic schools Graeme Paton and Camilla Turner, The Telegraph
December 15
- 50 educators sign letter to Catholic University protesting Koch Foundation’s $1 million gift Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post
December 3
- Faith schools are creating more and more boundaries between pupils Ted Cantle, The Guardian
- Notre Dame sues over birth control mandate Tom Coyne, AP
December 2
- Supreme Court rejects challenge to Obamacare by Christian university Warren Richey, The Christian Science Monitor
November 5
- New Jersey School Lifts Controversial Ban on Christmas Carols Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post
November 4
- A Plea for Catholic Schools to Ignore New Guidelines Richard Pérez-Peña, The New York Times
October 29
- Italians question merits of Catholicism elective in public schools Eric J. Lyman, The Washington Post
- Quebec Catholic school principal fights for right to teach religion course with faith Charles Lewis, The National Post
October 23
- Four-Year-Olds Should Be Taught About Religion, Says Education Council Representing Faith Groups Paul Vale, The Huffington Post
October 18
- New York City Likely to Start Closing Schools to Observe Muslim Holidays Next Year Leonardo Blair, The Christian Post
October 16
- Al-Madinah free school to be damned by Ofsted inspectors as dysfunctional Nicholas Watt, The Guardian
October 15
- Religion in school could be hot topic in Utah Legislature Lee Davidson, The Salt Lake Tribune
October 6
- No place for Jesus in RE, but there’s always Gandhi Christina Odone, The Telegraph
September 30
- Gunmen open fire on sleeping college students in Nigeria Emma Lacey-Bordeaux, CNN
September 27
September 26
- Century-old Alberta law prevents mother from running for public school trustee because she is Catholic Jen Gerson, The National Post
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