Page 11
April 24
- Using Texas' model, more states mull 'religious viewpoints' in schools law Sarah Posner, Al Jazeera
April 22
April 17
- How Hobby Lobby's president is putting Bible classes into public schools David Van Biema, Deseret News
- Muslims in New York City Unite on Push to Add Holidays to School Calendar Sharon Otterman, The New York Times
April 15
- If a Student Says Homosexuality Is a Sin in School, Is It Bullying? Emma Green, The Atlantic
April 13
April 12
- ‘Pay for it yourself’: Canadian Catholics fighting renewed push for single publicly funded school system Sarah Boesveld, National Post
April 10
- Secular education on the decrease in national religious schools in Israel Jeremy Sharon, Jerusalem Post
April 7
- Catholic schools can't force student to attend mass, court rules Louise Brown, The Toronto Star
April 4
- France’s far-right to ban faith-based school lunch options in towns it governs Alexandria Sage, Reuters
April 3
- Appeals court upholds NYC ban on worship services in schools Bernard Vaughan, Reuters
- Appeals court upholds New York City ban on worship services in schools Bernard Vaughan, Reuters
April 2
- Some States Seek To Bless Prayer In Public Schools Alan Greenblatt, NPR
March 30
March 29
- Tennessee atheists win right to distribute literature after schools give Bibles to students David Ferguson, The Raw Story
March 28
- Saudi Arabia's Textbooks Receive Criticism For Religious Bigotry, Obama Asked To Intercede Lauren Markoe, The Huffington Post
March 24
- Special report: Taxpayers fund creationism in the classroom Stephanie Simon, Politico
March 23
- Montreal Catholic school fighting for the right to teach ethics and religious culture in its own Jesuit style Joseph Brean, National Post
March 21
- China will introduce school uniform guidelines to prevent racial and religious discrimination Alison Lesley, World Religion News
March 12
- Canadian Catholic School Being Pressured to Teach All Religions Are Equal Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post
March 4
- 'The Romeikes Can Stay': Good News for German Home-Schooling Family Denied Asylum Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, Christianity Today
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