United States
Page 36
May 19
- New York mosque plan stirs up 9/11 memories Matthew Price, BBC
May 18
- Bay State town gives mosque OK to build cemetery on private land McClatchy News Service
May 9
- Local Muslim sect decries terror acts Neil Nisperos, Daily Bulletin
May 5
April 29
April 18
- White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S. Andrea Elliott, New York Times
March 31
March 22
- 'Headley may find more kind Islam in jail' Times of India
March 17
- Group decries textbooks on Islam as inflammatory Kathy Matheson, AP
March 14
- US mom: Daughter held in Ireland 'lost her mind' Ivan Moreno, AP
March 12
March 10
- 'Jihad Jane' indictment shows terror's evolution Maryclaire Dale, AP
- Religious experts explore other faiths Ala Salameh, Daily Illini
February 20
- U.S. mosques debate using English for sermons Detroit News
February 12
- Airport body scanners violate Islamic law, Muslims say Detroit Free Press
February 4
- Suit over hijab may be settled Oralander Brand-Williams, The Detroit News
February 1
- Why Was a Controversial Imam Shot 20 Times? Steven Gray, Time
January 29
January 20
January 19
- Shiite Muslims making a home in America Rachel Zoll, AP
January 7
- Officials: Anti-Muslim images are protected speech Patrick Condon, AP
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