United States
Page 33
February 13
- Texas school district cancels Arabic classes over fears of Islam Bruce Maiman, Examiner
February 8
- GOP leader: Stop radical Islam in Egypt David Espo, AP
February 6
February 4
- 2nd imam is out at Islamic center near WTC site David B. Caruso, AP
February 2
- Muslims seek change in their Hollywood story Gillian Flaccus, AP
February 1
- Gay activist conference in Minn. has faith focus Patrick Condon, AP
January 27
- Pew Study: 1-in-4 People in the World Will be Muslim by 2030 FoxNews
- Controversial Muslim cleric is arrested while sneaking into the U.S. Richard Marosi, Los Angeles Times
January 25
- Southern Baptist leader leaves mosque coalition Travis Loller, AP
January 21
- US Muslim sect spreads message of peace Sharmila Devi, The National
December 14
December 13
- US sues school over denial of Muslim pilgrimage Pete Yost, AP
December 9
- 2 accused of NY subway station hate attack on imam Jennifer Peltz, AP
December 8
- Officials: Jihad-obsessed man snared in bomb plot Ben Nuckols, AP
November 29
- Oregon Muslim leaders fear retribution after plot Jonathan Cooper and Nigel Duara, AP
- Muslim orphans caught between Islamic, Western law Rachel Zoll, AP
November 21
- Anti-Islam Florida pastor treated to top-shelf security Philip Messing, New York Post
November 17
- Judge refuses to stop construction of Tenn. mosque Lucas L. Johnson II, AP
November 16
November 11
- Hearing over Tennessee mosque puts Islam on trial Travis Loller, AP
November 8
- Court order blocks Okla. amendment on Islamic law Tim Talley, AP
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