United States
Page 32
April 25
- Judge denies Muslim inmate's lawsuit over beard Dena Potter, AP
April 22
April 21
- Pastor: Mosque protest is on in Dearborn Oralandar Brand-Williams, The Detroit News
April 18
- Prosecutors fear riot at Good Friday mosque protest Oralandar Brand -Williams, The Detroit News
- American jihad: Facing up to homegrown militancy Jonny Dymond, BBC
April 9
- Texas may ban courts from considering foreign laws Anna M. Tinsley, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
April 2
- Judge rules for group touting anti-Islam ad Oralandar Brand-Williams, The Detroit News
March 23
- Pastor who threatened to burn Quran set to protest in Dearborn Oralandar Brand-Williams, The Detroit News
March 20
- olice say Ohio runaway's helpers broke laws Andrew Welsh-Huggins, AP
March 18
March 8
- Hornet's nest ahead? Congress examines Islam in US Calvin Woodward and Eileen Sullivan, AP
March 7
- White House promotes Muslim help against terrorism Eileen Sullivan, AP
March 6
March 3
- Inmates who refuse hair cuts sent to high security Dena Potter, AP
March 1
- Tenn. bill would make following Shariah a felony Lucas L. Johnson II, AP
February 26
- Apps give faithful an electronic link Oralandar Brand-Williams, The Detroit News
February 24
- Oklahoma Police official faces disciplinary action for refusing to cover Islamic event Asia News International
February 23
- Suit claims FBI violates Muslims' rights at mosque Thomas Watkins, AP
- Faleh Hassan Almaleki, Muslim man accused of murdering daughter in 'honor killing,' found guilty Philip Caulfield and Michael Sheridan, New York Daily News
February 15
February 14
- U.S. flags, signs at protest of Muslim event Jan Norman, The Orange County Register
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