United States
Page 29
January 4
- Report on Biased Textbooks Goes to 500 Superintendents Ryan Mauro, Front Page Mag
January 3
- Chinese mosque demolition heightens ethnic tensions Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times
- New York firebombing ignites Muslim tensions Sebastian Smith, AFP
- Man Arrested in NY Islamic Center Firebomb Attack AP, Colleen Long & Samantha Gross
December 20
- Two Muslim religious leaders sue airlines for discrimination Jim Barnett, CNN
November 25
November 23
- CAIR Decries Santorum's Call for Profiling of Muslims The Sacramento Bee
November 21
- N.Y. bomb plot: What radicalizes some converts to Islam? Akbar Ahmed, The Washington Post
November 18
- CAIR: TN GOP Rep. Tells Muslims to 'Go Back to Where They Came From' Council on American Islamic Relations, The Sacramento Bee
November 13
- TheCall Detroit Mixes Anti-Muslim Rhetoric With Message Of Racial Reconciliation Matt Sledge, Huffington Post
- No One Can Tell I’m a Muslim: All-American Muslim Debuts Su'Ad Abdul Khabeer, Religion Dispatches
November 11
- Religious minorities find refuge in U.S. Russell Contreras, Associated Press
- Group that counts Islam among US’s ills to gather in Detroit, home to large Muslim community Jeff Karoub, The Washington Post
November 8
- Voters find religious belief important in leader Andrew Stern, Reuters
- New Media and Islam Nidhal Guessoum, Huffington Post
October 31
- Gingrich Says 'Arab Spring' is Really 'Anti-Christian' Spring Stephanie Samuel, Christian Post
October 27
- Terry Jones 2012: Pastor Who Burned Quran Running For President Dean Praetorius, The Huffington Post
- Sherburne County jail's ban on head scarves draws protests Allie Shah, Star Tribune
October 25
October 21
- Obama administration pulls references to Islam from terror training materials, official says Kenneth Timmerman, The Daily Caller
October 20
- Hertz fires 26 Muslim employees over prayer breaks Denise Whitaker, Seattle PI
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