United States
Page 22
April 23
- Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Influenced By Mysterious Muslim Radical, Turned Towards Fundamentalism Adam Goldman, Eric Tucker & Matt Apuzzo, AP
April 22
- Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects Motivated By Religion, Say Two U.S. Officials Eileen Sullivan & Pete Yost, AP
April 21
- Bombing suspect disrupted Cambridge mosque Beth Daley & Martin Finucane, The Boston Globe
- Turn to Religion Split Bomb Suspects' Home Alan Cullison, Paul Sonne, Anton Troianovski & David George-Cosh, The Wall Street Journal
April 19
- Muslim leaders: We stand against terrorism Kevin Eckstrom, The Washington Post
April 18
- Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings Hunter Stuart, The Huffington Post
- Guantanamo Hunger Strike Will Lead To Multiple Deaths, Says Military's Muslim Adviser Ryan J. Reilly, The Huffington Post
- Boston Interfaith Service Includes Prayers From Obama, And Catholic, Muslim, Jewish Clergy Jaweed Kaleem, The Huffington Post
April 17
- Muslims' Lawsuit Against McDonald's Ends In $700,000 Settlement Jeff Karoub, AP
- Imam Daayiee Abdullah welcomes gay Muslims to worship, marry Emily Wax, The Washington Post
April 16
- Boston's Largest Mosque: 'We're Bostonians -- We Mourn With The City' Shahien Nasiripour, Huffington Post
April 15
- ‘Please don’t be a Muslim’: Boston marathon blasts draw condemnation and dread in Muslim world Max Fisher, The Washington Post
April 12
- When Muslims intermarry, do they keep the faith? Naomi Shaefer Riley, The Washington Post
April 10
- ACLU Wants Prison In Contempt For Not Allowing Muslim Prayer Gretchen Frazee, Indiana Public Media
April 9
- Florida Republican’s anti-Sharia bill would ban courts from recognizing Jewish divorces Stephen C. Webster, The Raw Story
April 4
- US calls for Bahrain dialogue AFP
- The Associated Press Revises Another Politically Charged Term Steven Nelson, U.S. News
March 22
- Number of Christians Rises, But Their Share of World Population Stays Stable Pew Research Center
March 21
- Aurora, Colo., theater shooter James Holmes converts to Islam Jessica Chasmar, The Washington Times
March 4
- Florida Imam Convicted in Pakistani Taliban Case Curt Anderson, AP
February 24
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