United States
Page 4
August 28
- U.S. Muslims are religiously observant, but open to multiple interpretations of Islam Elizabeth Podrebarac Sciupac, Pew Research Center
- Judge: Prisons must recognize Nation of Islam offshoot sect Allan Durkin Richer, AP
- Study: Katharine Hayhoe is successfully convincing doubtful evangelicals about climate change Dana Nuccitelli, The Guardian
- From hypebeast to hypepriest: why the church is embracing streetwear Ellie Violet Bramley, The Guardian
- The rise and fall of the Christian bookstore Jonathan Merritt, The Week
- A new Mormon offshoot movement is growing, but can it last? Salt Lake Tribune, RNS
- Paramilitary Christian sect quietly operated in New Mexico AP
August 27
- Priest who left KKK is testing parishioners’ ideas about redemption Michelle Boorstein, Dana Hedgpeth and Ellie Silverman, The Washington Post
- Finding a life partner is hard enough. For those of the Druze faith, their future depends on it Abby Sewell, Los Angeles Times
August 25
- Restoring Kabbalah to Mainstream Judaism Arthur Green, The Atlantic
August 24
- D. James Kennedy Ministries Sues SPLC over Hate Map Kate Shellnut, Christianity Today
- Four More Religious Sect Members Arrested in New Mexico With Vans Full of Children AP
August 23
- Enlisting SpongeBob and ‘Game of Thrones’ to counter anti-Sikh prejudice Adelle M. Banks, RNS
- How Cajun country, an old ambulance and 1,200 frog legs led me back to the confessional. Sonja Livingston, America - The Jesuit Review
- The U.S. Catholic Church’s last major effort on racism was in 1979. Charlottesville woke it up. Anthea Butler, The Washington Post
- ‘Raised up by God’: Televangelist Paula White compares Trump to Queen Esther Colby Itkowitz, The Washington Post
- ‘Michael the Black Man’ at Trump’s Phoenix rally is former cult member who thinks Cherokees are destroying America Terence Cullen, New York Daily News
- With bathroom bill dead, Texas pastors’ council looks to future fights Andy Duehren, RNS
- Religion in Australian schools: an historical and contemporary debate The Conversation
August 22
- US State Department slams Israeli stagnation on religious freedom reform Amanda Borschel-Dan, The Times of Israel
- ‘My actions were despicable’: Catholic priest steps down after revealing he was a Ku Klux Klan member decades ago Dana Hedgpeth and Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post
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