Page 53
August 15
- Iraqi Sunnis say could join new government, fight Islamic State Raheem Salman and Michael Georgy, Reuters
- Papal visit underscores religious divide in Koreas Eric Talmadge, AP
- With Islamic State on march, Lebanon's Christians must agree on president Tom Perry, Reuters
- Pope Francis Beatification of 124 Korean Martyrs Reportedly Draws 1 Million Nicole Winfield, AP
August 14
- Pope Francis reaches out to China as he begins Asia trip William Wan, The Washington Post
- Yeshiva Students Challenge Myths of the Menorah Sophia Hollander, The Wall Street Journal
August 13
- Top Korean bishop answers criticism of pope’s trip Inés San Martín, The Boston Globe
- Militants’ Siege on Mountain in Iraq Is Over, Pentagon Says Helene Cooper and Michael D. Shear, The New York Times
- Haredi yeshiva teaching religious and general studies comes under fire from establishment Jeremy Sharon, The Jerusalem Post
- Christians standing by Israel Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post
- The Yazidis, a People Who Fled Emma Green, The Atlantic
- The Chinese cult that kills 'demons' Carrie Gracie, BBC News
August 12
- If China Is Anti-Islam, Why Are These Chinese Muslims Enjoying a Faith Revival? Hannah Beech, TIME
- Attack on nuns said to be first ever in Bangladesh World Watch Monitor
- Why Is China Nationalizing Christianity? Zachary Keck, The Diplomat
- Evangelical leaders will travel to Israel to signal their support Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Washington Post
August 11
- Islamic State beheads, crucifies in push for Syria's east Oliver Holmes and Suleiman Al-Khalidi, Reuters
August 10
- Tel Aviv municipality approves new by-law for grocery stores to open on Shabbat Jeremy Sharon, The Jerusalem Post
August 9
- With rise of Islamic State, Christians feel Iraq is no longer home Patrick J. McDonnell, Los Angeles Times
August 8
- Rohingya children in Myanmar camps going hungry Esther Htusan, AP
- God's work: were Canadian Christians helping North Koreans to spread the faith? James Pearson and Ben Blanchard, The Guardian
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