Catholic Church Has Been 'Outmarketed' On Gay Marriage, Says New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan

New York — New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan says the Roman Catholic Church has been "outmarketed" on the issue of gay marriage and has been "caricatured as being anti-gay."

Dolan's conversation with "Meet the Press" moderator David Gregory will air Sunday on NBC.

Asked why the church is losing the argument on gay marriage, Dolan says it's a tough battle when forces like Hollywood, politicians and "some opinion-molders" are on the other side.

But he said the gay marriage debate is not over and the church will not give up on it.

On another divisive issue, Dolan said the Catholic Church has long championed comprehensive health care.

But he indicated that U.S. Catholic bishops cannot support the Affordable Care Act as long as it includes coverage for abortion.