Religious lobbyists spend big bucks

About 45 religious lobbyists spend $1 million-$5 million per year to state their positions to lawmakers, according to a Pew Research Center study released Wednesday.

The groups represent almost all theological positions, ranging from the theologically conservative Southern Baptist Convention to the atheist American Humanist Association.

The Southern Baptists spend $3,268,327 annually to bring about its vision of "an American society that affirms and practices Judeo-Christian values rooted in biblical authority."

The American Humanist Association spent $2,077,930 "to be a clear, democratic voice for humanism in the United States, to increase public awareness and acceptance of humanism, to establish, protect, and promote the position of humanists in our society, and to develop and advance humanist thought and action.”

The American Islamic Congress budgeted $1,357,198 to challenge "increasingly negative perceptions of Muslims by advocating responsible leadership and ‘two-way’ interfaith understanding. As Muslim-Americans, thriving amidst America's open multicultural society and civil liberties, we promote these same values for the global Muslim community. We are not afraid to advocate unequivocally for women's equality, free expression, and nonviolence - making no apologies for terrorism, which primarily claims Muslim lives.”

The Republican Jewish Coalition spent $2,858,109 "to foster and enhance ties between the American Jewish community and Republican decision makers. We work to sensitize Republican leadership in government and the party to the concerns and issues of the Jewish community, while articulating and advocating Republican ideas and policies within the Jewish community. We are committed to building a strong, effective and respected Jewish Republican voice in Washington and across the country.”

Pew recognized eight religiously oriented organizations that spend at least $10 million annually on lobbying. They are:

American Israel Public Affairs Committee

American Jewish Committee, Office of Government and International Affairs

Bread for the World

CitizenLink (A Focus on the Family Affiliate)

Concerned Women for America

Family Research Council

Home School Legal Defense Association

National Right to Life Committee

The biggest spender on the right is the Family Research Council, which reportedly spent $14,259,622 to champion "marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society. FRC shapes public debate and formulates public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family. Believing that God is the author of life, liberty, and the family, FRC promotes the Judeo-Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free, and stable society.”

The biggest lobbyist of all among all religious groups is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which reportedly spent $87,899,089 "to strengthen the ties between the United States and its ally Israel. As America’s leading pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC works with Democrats, Republicans and Independents to enact public policy that enhances the U.S.-Israel relationship."