Mills and Boon is more embarrassing than the Bible

London, UK - It is more embarrassing to read Mills and Boon style novels on the bus than the Bible, according to a new poll.

Twenty five per cent of the 1,008 adults questioned in an ICM survey expressed shame at the thought of reading a romantic novel on the bus compared with 13 per cent who thought that Bible reading should occur exclusively in private. Seventy per cent thought the Bible should be read in public.

Fifty three per cent said that it would improve society if more Britons read the Bible and half of those questioned said they would feel safe confiding in a Bible reader in their workplace.

The survey was commissioned by The Bible Society to mark Bring Your Bible to Work Day on October 27, an initiative to encourage the church-goer to “slip scripture in with their sandwiches” and make the Bible message part of their life at work.

“The Bible is the world’s bestselling book and it is easy to see why” said the Rt Revd Tom Wright, Bishop of Durham and President of the Bible Society. He explained: “It’s not just the gripping stories or the beautiful poetry, but it’s the Bible’s transforming power to make a difference to our own lives, our workplaces, and our wider society.

"This survey goes to show that people should not be afraid of reading their Bible with pride in public and letting its revolutionary message transform our world.”