Chinese Immigrants Discuss Exercise Program, Persecution

Chinese immigrants now living in Brookings stopped in Yankton Saturday to spread the word about the benefits of an ancient relaxation exercise program -- and to discuss how even this seemingly sublime practice has led to persecution back in their homeland of China.

Cuinong Ren, his wife Sue Jiang and daughter Selena took time Saturday morning to tell Yanktonians about the Falun Gong. At the same time, they posted displays that told how thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China have been imprisoned, terrorized and killed for refusing to stop the practice they say helps them relax and be better people.

Ren, an assistant professor in plant science at South Dakota State University, said Falun Gong has changed his life and has helped him be a more productive person, better husband and father.

"Before I learned Falun Gong, I suffered from stomach problems. I had severe abdominal pain all the time. I was very uncomfortable," he said. "Now I practice Falun Gong every day I can and I haven't had any more problems."

Falun Gong is a practice that has brought better health and inner peace to millions around the world, Ren said.

But since the Chinese givernment banned the practice of Falun Gong, Ren said, 279 Falun Gong practitioners have been murdered and hundreds more are struggling to get out of mental hospitals that are run by the government.

Practitioners worldwide have condemned the Chinese government for the anti-Falun Gong actions. Some practitioners in at least one Chinese labor camp have undertaken a hunger strike to protest the treatment of practitioners.

Ren said the government banned the practice over fears that anti-government propaganda was being spread from person to person while meditating.

"The communist government bans all religion anyway and they claim that this is a religion," he said. "This is not a religion at all. That is false."

According to the website, Falun Gong is a cultivation practice that helps bring about improvement of one's heart and mind through the careful study of universal principles based on truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance. Practitioners do exercises and meditation to energize the body.

The program, which is based on centuries old practices, was reintroduced to the Chinese in 1992. Through word-of-mouth alone, it spread throughout the country and around the world. It is now practiced in 40 countries and in every state in the United States, Ren said.

But even though Falun Gong does not encourage any religious beliefs, it has been labeled as a cult by the Chinese government which has outlawed its practice.

Jiang, who was detained in a Chinese prison for 24 days earlier this year, said it is another way China's community government controls its people by controlling the information that is distributed.

"They control everything. They do this to cover up the truth. They not only control the media in China but they also try to control what is being said in other parts of the world," she said. "They called this a cult to scare people into not practicing Falun Gong, but it is not a cult. It merely teaches us how to relax and how to be good people, not evil."

Ren said he and his family are traveling throughout eastern South Dakota to spread the word about the practice and offering to teach anyone interested in learning more about Falun Gong.

"We want to tell everyone about Falun Gong because we believe in it so much," Ren said. "If anyone wants information on it they can call us and we will get them any information they need."

Falun Gong training is free of charge. According to the program's website, all books and other information may be downloaded for free and anyone who teaches Falun Gong is forbidden from benefiting financially.

Ren said that by spreading the word about Falun Gong and the horrible misdeeds being done by the Chinese government, he hopes the rest of the world can pressure government leaders to change their past of abusing basic human rights.

"Falun Gong teaches us people how to become good people. There's nothing wrong to society. But the Chinese government views this totally wrong. We are offering people a peaceful way to solve their problems," Ren said. "A lot of countries have condemned the Chinese government and I hope that will convince the government to change their minds."