Zanzibar priest faces discipline for political comments

A Catholic priest in Zanzibar is facing punishment for a public statement in which he suggested that the Church would support the ruling party of the semi-autonomous island province in coming elections.

After a string of arson attacks on Christian churches, Father Lucian Malamsha told reporters that he is praying for a victory by the Chama Cha Mapindunzi party in the general elections to be held next year. He explained that the ruling party favors freedom of religion, and will defend the rights of Christians in the face of mounting Islamic opposition.

But the Zanzibar diocese has issued its own statement saying that Father Malamsha was not authorized to speak on behalf of the Catholic Church, and will face punishment for his partisan statement. "Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against him, and if need be he will be taken back to school to learn his responsibilities," the diocese said.

The statement by Father Malamsha-- in which he said that the defeat of the ruling party would spell the end of Christianity in Zanzibar-- contradicted public statements by Bishop Augustine Ndeliakyama Shao, who has cautioned that the Church cannot be aligned with any political party. "The role of Church leaders is to enhance faith among their followers and make them aware of their constitutional rights," the bishop said.

Father Malamsha's statement could also further inflame Islamic radicals, who see the Christian presence in Zanzibar as a "foreign" element.